Monday, February 16, 2015

"Heat" Mon. 16th Feb. 2015

Prompt:  Differentiate between the main character and your favorite teacher.

Pages: 203-220 BOOK FINISHED

Author: Mike Lupica

Book: Heat 

  To make this blog longer I am going to pick two favorite teachers and two main characters. The first will obviously be Michael, and the teacher I will compare and differentiate will be Mr. Joseph. (If you weren't here last year, which I am pretty sure everyone was, he was the gym teacher). Mr. Joseph and Michael are kind of alike, they both played sports. Also, they both were active (which goes along with the sports part). Michael is a funny character, but can easily turn serious just like Mr. Joseph is. Michael has been through a hard time and had the feeling of loss, like Mr. Joseph.

     The difference between Michael and Mr. Joseph would be the age. Michael is 12 years old (which took forever for him to prove) and Mr. Joseph is around (my best guess) early 30's or mid 30's. Also, another difference would be Michael lives in New York, Mr. Joseph lives in Illinois. Those are just the obvious. I always remember Mr. Joseph talking about wrestling and him talking about how he coaches it. On the other hand, Michael is always talking about baseball.

     Another character I am going to talk about is Ellie, and I am going to compare her to my 3rd grade reading teacher, Mrs. McDonald. Some similarities between these two people are they are both fast runners. Michael says "she ran fast for a girl, for anybody..."(page 26). The narrator also says "Michael and Manny nearly having to run to keep up with her." These two sentences are describing Ellie as a fast runner  or at the most a runner. Our fifth grade/3rd grade/1st grade teacher is a runner and does marathons which is similar to Ellie: they both run. The narrator also says Ellie has brown hair and brown eyes as well as Mrs. McDonald.

    A difference would be age, Ellie just turned 12 years old and Mrs. McDonald just turned 30 (she thought her life was over haha). Another difference would be Ellie plays baseball and Mrs. McDonald is a runner, (although baseball and running go hand in hand-kind of-). Another difference would be they live in different states, since the book takes place in New York Ellie lives there. Mrs. McDonald lives in Illinois.

Related Questions: What teacher reminds you of a main character in your book?
Kind of related question: Who's your favorite teachers? (Since the prompt has to do with favorite teachers) 

I Commented on Lillian M's., Sammie's S's., Siari R's., and Emily B's. blogs. 


  1. Hey Mia! Great blog. A couple things I really thought were great, was your word choice, and creativity/quality. I thought it was great how you took the time to select the right words, and even take evidence from the text or book. One thing I did notice though, was a little repetitiveness. In my opinion, you used the word "obviously" too much. Other than that, great job with images and keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Sam for the tip, I fixed it and took out all of the obviously.

  2. I liked your blog! I can see how Michael and Mr. Joseph are alike. You describe their differences and similarities really well, nice job on that. Though, I also think that you were a little repetitive, but besides that I liked you blog!

  3. I thought your blog as very specific and went with the prompt perfectly! The word 'obvious' was used more than a few times and at one point you forgot the 'd' in 'old'. Other than that I thought your blog was great!
    ~ P.S I love your background!!

    1. Thanks for the tip Rebecca, I didn't noticed the "ol" until you told me. P.S. I love the background too. :)
