Pages Read: 1 Cor. 6-10 Prompt: In few sentences, summarize what you read today. Today I read from the bible, although I have been reading To Kill A Mockingbird and Oogy. I decided to read the bible and do a blog for it this week. For those unfamiliar with the bible, 1 Corinthians is a book in the New Testament; the bible has two testaments, old and new. The Old consist of Moses, Abraham, Noah, Jonah etc. The New introduces the birth of Jesus, John and the disciples. It also includes the end of the world in Revelations. Anyways in 1st Corinthians it talks about the "lawsuit among believers", "sexual immorality", "concerning married life", "concerning change of status", "concerning of the unmarried", "concerning food sacrificed to idols", Paul, and "self discipline." Right away in chapter 6, verse 1 "if any of you has a dispute with one another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgement instead of before the Lord's people?" To simplify this verse, lets say I loan my brother 200 dollars for him and his daughter, and he never gives me the money back. Should I take this to court in front of the ungodly, who will give me an ungodly answer? Or should I take it to the Lord's people who will give me a godly answer and will have the Lord's approval? In chapter six it also talks about how we take a lawsuit to the wrongdoers trying to be correct, why not stay wrong and admit to your wrongs? Instead of admitting to our wrongs we decide to cheat ourselves and loved ones. It goes on to say "or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God?" Anyone who does wrong will not be entering into the kingdom of God, for in John 14:6 "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The only way you can get into heaven is if you repent and accept Jesus into your life. In chapter nine, "self discipline" is explained. The bible says that like a runner running in a race they all have a goal; the finish line. They race to get a crown that doesn't last, a crown that will perish when they do, a crown that will only last a short period. However, we Christians run a race that will earn us a crown that will last forever. A crown that will surely die with us and follow us into the gates of Heaven. In verse 26 it says "therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating air..." We as Christians need to run for a goal, not only Christians but everyone else too! If you are going to school and you don't have goal, your running aimlessly, and your going to end up crashing. This is what I read today:)
I liked your blog an how you have three pictures to describe what you are reading