Friday, May 15, 2015

Symbolism of Me:)

For my object, I chose my bible. I apologize if this offended anyone in anyway.

Description:     My bible represents/symbolizes me because, I base my morals and lifestyle off of it. Whatever I do, is based off the bible. I honor my mother and father, (Exodus 20:12), and I do not murder, commit adultery, steal, or bear false fruit, etc. I follow the bible, because God wrote the bible, well inspired people spiritually to write the bible. I think of God as my father. Your father sets rules for the household; some families have sex after marriage, or no dating without approval. My heavenly father set these rules for us to live by, (10 commandments). He also set things like not worrying because "the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them." Or, to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons [and daughters] of your father in heaven." It symbolizes what I choose to live by as a growing Christian teen girl.

Description:     My bible also symbolizes hope and dreams. You may say, "It's not a," I don't know, "basketball. How can that symbolize hope?" Well, there are many verses in the bible, many books; in fact there are 66 books! There are so many verses in the bible talking about hope, such as Joshua 10:25; " not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous." Verses like these give me hope for the day, month, and even year. Did you know the bible tells us 365 to not be afraid? One verse per day to tell me there will always be hope for me, and to not be afraid of what is ahead of me. I always think of David and Goliath. In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells us, "for I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope for the future." This gives me hope and makes me dream of what God has planned for my life. I know God has a plan for me, and it gives me hope that I am not useless, and I am going to live for something in this world. I may not know what it is, but that's the fun part.



  1. This was a great blog! I like how you showed examples of how you relate to your object. All in all, this is a outstanding blog. It was well done(and no you did not offend me.)

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  2. This post has left me speechless. I liked all the love and devotion that someone can clearly tell you have for God and the bible. Great job!

  3. You have a really good commitment when it comes to God, that is really good that your always sticking with your religion at all times, no wonder it represents you.

  4. I thought your blog was great! I don't think anyone chose something like this. It was very well done, and I think it really does represent you! Great blog!

  5. Great blog! Your topic is very unique I did not expect anyone to do this topic. You were very good when writing with detail! Great job!

  6. Great Blog Mia! I like how you used textual evidence to back up you reasoning. I also like how you did not only tell us how the bible symbolizes you but you told us facts about the bible as well. Great choice for your symbol!

  7. I thought that this was a really good blog because you really said why you think that it is symbolic to you and I think that you were right that it does symbolize you. I also think that this was really well done, good job.
