Thursday, March 26, 2015

Poetry Reflection Blog


  • Poetry can be a vital, real part of everyone's life. What place or importance does poetry have in my own life? Does poetry belong to everyone? How do I know?
  • How does the life and experiences of a poet affect the poem he/she creates?

      Poetry's importance in my life is, I write/read it whenever I am feeling down. I like to read poems about how other people are feeling or just vaguely about feelings. I like to read poems like this because; I can compare how the author feels to my feelings. Also, I can talk about the poem and hear what other people think the poem means to them. I really think it's cool when there is some poems that have multiply meanings, so then everyone has a different interpretation. For me, even artist are poets. They are just writing poetry with lyrics and music, or with a paint brush and canvas. 

Poetry doesn't really belong to everyone, because some people are really good at writing it and understanding the poems. Some people don't always have the right comprehension to depict poems like other people. I know this because, sometimes when I am reading a poem, I get what it means and other people don't. Also, writing poems come like a second nature to me, I am able to make words rhyme or create a repetition pattern throughout the poem. I know a lot of people can't rhyme words with other words, or cannot use figurative language to the best of its abilities. 

The life experiences that an author goes through affects on the author's writing greatly. It affects the author's writing style because, if they grew up in a misfortunate situation their poem could start off like:
In a world,
Where happiness
No longer existed.

A world where,
Smiles and laughter
Was banned from everyone.”

So, if they had a negative life, their poem could come out dark, and scary. But, if they had a good life, it would give their poem a happy connotation and may look something like:
I walk out the door,
And see gumdrops
And gum balls
Raining from the sky.”

See how different those two are? The author’s background helps the reader better understand the poems. It’s kind of like how my poems, are always straightforward and aren’t really sugar coated. For me, it’s like this because I was always being taught to never sugar coat something, when you want the point to be cleared.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This blog was really interesting to read. Everything is fine besides there is no links to your poems.

    1. The links are there, you have to click on the poems to get to the links.
